Bunion surgery – Hallux Valgus

What is a bunion?

Hallux abducto-valgus, commonly known as bunion, is a deviation in the joint at the base of the big toe that develops when bone or tissue deviates from its original position. The big toe will then deviate towards the others, causing an often-painful bump.

Because this joint carries so much of the body's weight when walking, bunions can cause extreme pain if left untreated, since they carry a large percentage of the body's weight when walking.

Over time, the joint itself can become stiff and painful, making it difficult or impossible to wear certain shoes.

Refer to the section on bunions on this site for causes, symptoms, and conservative treatments.

What are the steps and factors involved in selecting one or other of these procedures?

Not all hallux valguses are the same, so several surgical procedures are available to correct this type of problem.

Bunion correction is a common procedure for Dr. Cantin-Langlois, a podiatrist with a postgraduate residency in foot surgery.

During your initial consultation, the podiatrist will evaluate your hallux abducto-valgus and perform a thorough biomechanical examination/ x-rays will also be ordered and reviewed by the podiatrist who will perform the surgery. Based on your examination and radiographic findings, she will discuss your surgical options with you and help you determine the best procedure for you.

Why opt for bunion surgery?

Not only can an untreated bunion lead to irreversible progression of the deformity, but degenerative changes can also occur in the big toe joint, making ambulation and daily activities very difficult.

Many bunions can be asymptomatic, and not all need to be treated surgically. Nevertheless, we don't want our bunion to be the reason for reducing the pace of our active lives or changing all our shoes.

There is a wide range of treatment options, from conservative to surgical.

How do we know if our problem is surgical?

Unfortunately, for some patients, the pain associated with bunions persists despite conservative treatments, and the deformity continues to worsen, eliminating any relief from non-surgical treatment options.

Surgical correction for bunions is not only effective in eliminating the painful "bump", it also improves the function of this important joint. It is often necessary to relieve pressure and repair the joint, which may be showing signs of degeneration and osteoarthritis.

The aim of surgical correction is to remove the hump from the outside of the joint, but above all to improve joint congruence.

Our experience shows that all bunions differ from person to person, so each case must be evaluated individually. If you're concerned about your bunion or are experiencing symptoms, let our podiatrist experienced in foot surgery guide you through your treatment options.

What can I expect from bunion surgery at our clinic?

Bunion surgery is performed in a modern surgical suite under local anesthesia and light sedation.

Following most surgical corrections, you can put weight on your foot immediately and return to your normal activities within 4 to 6 weeks.

Other procedures may require a longer period of remission. Pain associated with surgery can be easily managed with pain medication under the care of Dr. Sarah Cantin-Langlois, podiatrist.

No one should suffer from foot pain. Dr. Cantin-Langlois, podiatrist, can help you find solutions to your bunion problems. Contact us today and book your appointment today!

We can help you with your bunion problems and big toe pain.

All content on this site is verified and approved by Dr. Sarah Cantin-Langlois, podiatrist.

We can help you with your bunion problems and big toe pain.

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