Toe Surgery

Why opt for toe surgery?

Hammer toes, claw toes and mallet toes sometimes require surgery to allow comfortable shoe wear and eliminate associated pain.

Dr. Cantin-Langlois is one of the few podiatrists in Quebec capable of performing complex surgeries, thanks to her additional training in the United States.

She has extensive experience with toe deformities and will guide you through every step of the surgery.

Learn more about the symptoms of toe deformity >>

What are the steps and factors involved in selecting one of these procedures?

During an initial consultation, a clinical and radiological examination will be carried out to better determine the severity of the deformity and the treatment options to be considered.

In general, when the toe is still flexible, surgery involves freeing the soft tissue to restore fullness to the joint.  It involves a small incision, performed under local anaesthetic, often allowing you to walk immediately after the procedure. Following this procedure, you should wear a post-operative shoe for about 10 days.

If the toe has begun to stiffen, it is sometimes advisable to remove a small piece of bone, again under local anaesthetic, to free the joint from its bad position.

In cases where the deformity is very pronounced and rigid, a thin metal rod or implant can be used temporarily to straighten the bone and musculature.

In more complex cases, collapse of the metatarsal head may be present, with or without attenuation (tearing of the plantar plate).

Dr. Cantin-Langlois, podiatrist, can treat this type of condition with the latest surgical techniques that facilitate rapid post-operative recovery.

All content on this site is verified and approved by Dr. Sarah Cantin-Langlois, podiatrist.

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